January 9, 2012

Cravings, or am I just Hungry?

Beef. It seems to be my first "craving." 

Yesterday Seth made each of us a nice bacon wrapped steak with green beans. After literally licking my plate I said, "I want another. Or, how about a McDonald's burger?" Seth's immediate response to his hardly pregnant wife, "I will go for you." He's the best!


January 7, 2012

Our Little Secret

Seth and I successfully managed to thwart questions of babies over New Years. Naturally, this is a topic of conversation, especially with our Taylor friends, but even with Nate's relentless prodding, we never cracked.

Time is going too slow. It's not the secret that I'm excited to tell, it's actually looking pregnant. There is something about a baby belly that excites me, and I'll feel more like I have something to show for being pregnant. 

This week our Little Pea is the size of a pea! Our babies heart is now beating and his/her features are beginning to form. I am still feeling great. No morning sickness. No added tiredness. And I actually have less of an appetite than an increase. So far.

6 Weeks
Baby, Jesus loves you already, and so do we!